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Kim Katrine

This will be the last interview we publish in 2019 with such a rollercoaster year filled with highs and lows, great travel destinations and some even almost cancelled trips, but still going and frothing even more....

What does 2020 have in store for our sport, the new format APB, will we see our first wave pool comp, will the UK do the same as Melbourne Urban Surf and delight the whole UK bodyboard community by turning up The Wave, Bristol? Thousands of us hope so.....

One thing I can guarantee is that we will keep running these interviews as the support has been fantastic.....So thank you from all of us here at LidLife for allowing us to publish something that we feel really matters to a lot of groms giving them a platform that perhaps will be a catalyst to help launch their dreams, for the past legends who have shared their story with us old groms😎 and for any current pros that have humbled us by allowing me to interview them, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

If you are able to spend time with loved ones, friends and family, do so, spare a thought for those less fortunate and if you know of anyone that may be alone for Christmas this year invite them round, give them a call, reach out.... What can be a fantastic time for some can be a low time for others ❤️

We will return Sat 04/01/20

"Hi my name is Kimberly Katrine but everyone calls me Kim, I am 21, even thou I perhaps don't appear so ha ha ha.

I'm Brazilian, from Rio, specifically from Favela da Rocinha. I was born here and will probably be like Adriano o Imperador and even if I get rich, I'll stay in the favela and be an example of victory to my neighbourhood but making it clear that being successful and being rich doesn't necessarily mean the same thing.

Ever since I was a child, I Saw "Uncle Ley", the teacher of project Escolinha de bodyboarding da Rocinha passing with his students and I always wanted to join in.

Surfing is part of the culture here, the beach is the heart of community, so eventually when we went to the beach, I played with boards of cousins and neighbours, but couldn't take time to practice bodyboarding or participating in the project because I was studying and doing ballet.

My parents paid for ballet together, which I had been doing since childhood. When they broke up however, my mother couldn't pay by herself so I had to give up. I searched for social projects and fell in love with surfing at age 13.

I attended a year at Rocinha Surf School and I even got a proposal for surfing abroad, within a religious project I had at the surf school but my mother didn't allow it because I was very young.

The following year at Rocinha Surf School, I finally joined the Bodyboarding School and in about 5 months I started competing in regional championships.

I surfed for fun during childhood, I was blown away by the manoeuvres and thought, well, I can do that! For sure Isabela Sousa, Neymara Carvalho, Alexandra Rinder, Pierre Louis Costes, Dave Winchester and specially Gabriel Popó influenced me growing up.

My mom is my real hero thou because she's not rich but always make things happen and gave me this virtue.

My favourite break in my country is São Conrado, Canto Esquerdo, better known as the best left of Brazil hahaha

I don't even need get out of my own beach, i'm a luck girl but in Ceará on northeast of Brazil, I met Carminha and fell in love.

In the rest of the world my favourite break would no doubt be Teahupoo

My first board was one of those BZ children's boards, as a child however I had no crew I was alone like a leopard.

Yes, I've been competing and I have won a lot of regional championships but It dosn't happen anymore here in Rio.

For a long time it was my dream to become a pro, but it's hard in Brazil. As an amateur I always worked, studied and surfed at the same time. One hour the bills came and I had to stop competing, I didn't come close to becoming a professional I'm afraid.

Actually I'm using my niece's board, a very good genesis 39 '. Sometimes David Barbosa gives me the honour of wearing his Erizos when he's at the beach.

The wetsuit I use is a long john Billabong surf capsule that i love deep of my heart and Erizos fins that I wouldn't trade for anything in this world.

I don't compete anymore. My favourites, well, Erizos for board, leash and flippers and Zion wetsuits... Sounds like a dream hahahaha

I didn't really buy too many clothes over the years, I prefer to make them.

My music is extremely random, one day I wake up listening to Johnny Oursborne, another day Kevin O Cris, System of a Down, Erykah Badu. It's crazy.

My first barrel for sure is my favourite memory, São Conrado left is a dream.

I'm young and I'm going to surf until I'm old, but now it's time to find out what I want for my life. I've always travelled in many areas, bodyboarding allowed me to travel to many places in Brazil, but unfortunately I couldn't do it as a profession but I don't regret anything.

Now, with video equipment, I have the opportunity to show some of my lifestyle.

I am a model, artist, writer, composer, aspiring photographer, I like to travel and I love music in every way.

I'm sure this mix will bring out of something interesting. Jah Bless "

Photo credits include:

Oswaldo L Siqueira


dangue fotografias

Kildere Gomes

Last chance to treat someone you love before Christmas with 10% off a SENNOSEN wetsuit use discount code KRISTIANMARTIN

Valentina has a limited number of spots left on her Mexican Masterclass May 13th-18th 2020 so if you are a boogie chick and want to take your wave riding to the next level then drop the guys at The Puerto Experience a line by clicking the link below.

Join me and the gang in Aug in Mexico, click on the links to book either Trip 1 or trip 2......

Or join Stevie Maher in June in the Mentawais......

In association with:

Do you want to won your very own Milk Bodyboard just click on the link below.....

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